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Spanish cars to use different type of juice

"The orange groves of Valencia could soon be powering Spanish cars as a new technology is developed to turn the fruit's thick, shiny peel into biofuel."


Private equity firms pledge green power from £23bn US deal

"· Consortium buys Texan energy supplier TXU · Promise to scrap new coal plants and invest in wind "


Construction sector rises to challenge of building eco-friendly homes of the future

"Companies say going green will help the planet - and generate higher profits "


Micro-winds of change

"The tide is turning towards renewable energy, but is the government willing to put its money where its mouth is - and are we?"

Category: Energy sources


Government loses nuclear power case

"Environmental campaigners today won a high court ruling which will force the government to rethink its decision to back the building of new nuclear power stations."

Displaying results 1031 to 1035 out of 1050